How To Create A Website To Sell Your Digital Downloadable Files?

There are lots of website available where you can sell your digital downloadable products easily. There are lots of third party websites like Payloadz, Gumroad, Instamojo where you can sell your digital files easily to make the profit.

But in most of the third party websites where you can sell your digital downloadable files take a commission as their service charge or take a subscription fee. So is there any way to take all the profit in your pocket?

Did you ever think to start your own website and sell your digital files there? If you start a website to sell your downloadable products then it will be really great in many ways. Selling those products through your own site will represent you as a brand and also you can take all the profit you make because you don’t have to pay anyone as a service charge what you see in the case of selling digital products through third party website.

But how can you do that? Do you need to know a programming language?

So is it possible to start your own digital product selling site for you all alone yourself? Are you afraid if you need to learn any programming language to build the site by hard coding work? Or you have to spend lots of money to hire developers who will build your site for you?

But don’t worry? You don’t need anything like that. There are no need to learn any programming language and also no need to see lots of money getting way to hire developers. You can build your own website to sell digital goods yourself without having any coding knowledge and without any developers.

Are you thinking I am just joking? Well, not at all. I am serious and this is true that you can build your website yourself easily where you will be able to sell your digital downloadable files. You can do it using Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin to build your own digital product selling site. But you need to install a WordPress site first.

About Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin and how to build a website with it to sell your digital downloadable products?

Easy Digital Downloads is a popular WordPress plugin which can turn your WordPress site or blog into a full feature online platform to sell your digital products. Well, you don’t need to learn about anything related to coding nd programming.

First, you need to have a WordPress installed on your hosting server. From the admin panel of WordPress, you need to search for Easy Digital Downloads plugin by going to Plugins>Add New.

Now click on install and then activate the plugin. Now go to settings page and configure payment and other details.

There is also another way of installing this plugin by downloading and uploading this plugin in your WordPress directory.

Here is a complete guide from the official web page of this plugin – Setting Up Your First EDD Store. You will find the step by step guide to install and configure this plugin from that official documentation page. So I am not going to tell you the same thing again.

There are lots of add-ons or extensions available for Easy Digital Downloads plugin which can add new features and functionality to your website. Also, PayPal is already in the plugin as a payment gateway, but you can install more payment gateway plugins that are available for Easy Digital Downloads plugin.

So what you think in the end after reading all the above content? is it not so easy even for a non-coder? Obviously, in these days there are no need to learn coding to build this kind of sites as there are lots of ready made script available. Easy Digital Downloads is just one example. There are some more ways is available.

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