Impact of Google core update August 2023 on my blogs

Hello fellow bloggers, The August 2023 core update finished rolled out completely. In this article, I will share the effect of this core update on my multiple blogs.

If you read my blogs regularly you might know that I run multiple blogs and I keep updating the earning report as well as my traffic report.

I generally do not write on core updates as it comes almost 2 times or 3 times every year. But I am writing about it for the first time as this core update is completely different from others.

What to do and what not to do after a core update is almost the same as all the core updates. The core update is like a roller coaster to me as it really impacts a lot of businesses massively.

You can check the core update history record from here: Core update history

Effect or impact of  August 2023 Google Core update on my blogs

This core update started on the 22nd of August. But I was not aware of that. I did not notice any traffic changes from the Google search engine during the first week. But on the 2nd of September, All of a sudden I kept losing almost 15% of traffic every hour. (I check my traffic on an hourly basis and I am aware of the fact that in which hour how much traffic is normal for my blog).

I compare my traffic (organic) to the previous week of the same day.

That was Saturday, and Saturday is a holiday in the corporate world. Thus traffic drop is normal. So I compare the traffic with the previous Saturday.

(My blogging niche is computer programming)

Google core update 2023 August

But you won’t believe me, but the traffic recovered within a few hours. From the next day the traffic same as it was before the core update.

The most interesting part is that even after the core update rolled out completely, I did not notice any traffic change.

Neither it increased nor decreased.

Google core update 2023 August

Organic Traffic on Monday compared to the previous Monday

For my other blogs, the same thing happened. I did not notice any traffic change.

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