How to Use Google Tag Manager to Track Conversion

Google Analytics has become the number one tool for business owners to track site traffic and work out how to make the most out of what they’ve got. The super hot ultimate goal of any business website is conversions – turning curious individuals into invested customers. Google Analytics can tell you many things about your site, but the Google Tag Manager, also known as GTM, is the ideal tool for keeping track of actual conversions. We’re going to look at how Tag Manager works and show you how you can utilise it to find out how your conversions are going.

Initial Stages

Obviously, the first step in setting up a Google Tag Manager is signing up. Head to the home page, and follow the steps detailed to create an account with the manager. If you use a Gmail address or Google account for work purposes, it’s best to always put in the same address for your Tag Manager. This way, you can integrate all your business analysis into a single account. Once you have created a profile, you’ll be able to create a GTM code. This is the code that allows you to track traffic on your site. GTM will give you details on how to install the code. GTM asks you to create a container. This is unique to each website you plan to use and houses the code created that allows you to make use of GTM.

The Role of Google Analytics

As we’ve already mentioned, Google Analytics is currently the most effective tool for keeping track of site traffic and other crucial information. It’s also essential for making use of GTM. GTM and Google Analytics work in tandem to provide you with information on conversions, as well as other aspects of your website. If you haven’t already got an account, you’re going to need one to use GTM. Use the same email address and account details as your GTM account when creating a Google Analytics account unique to your business. The site will take you through the steps, and creating an account is completely straightforward. Once you’ve got an account on both GTM and Analytics, you can start making use of these tools.

Creating Tags

The good news is that once you’ve got a Google tag installed on your site, you don’t need to worry about putting in much more work. GTM and Google Analytics will automatically provide you with the information you need. No coding is required, thanks to the fact that GTM directly installs the tag to your site. The first thing you need to do is go to the tag manager account workspace and navigate to the ‘new tag type’ section. Select ‘universal analytics’. Then, select the option for keep track as ‘page view’. From here, go to your Google Analytics account, and head for the ‘new variable’ option. Add your tracking identification code, and name it ‘Google Analytics settings’. The next step is to save the changes you’ve made so far. Click ‘triggering’ and select ‘all pages’. At this point, it’s worth saving again. The website’s tag will now be visible in your ‘tags’ tab. When you click the ‘submit’ option in the corner, you’ll be able to select the ‘publish’ options to put these changes into effect on your site.

Connecting to Your Page URL

The next step is to connect a page’s tag to your page URL. Go through the steps we’ve looked at to create a tracking tag and set it up to follow activity on forms on your site. Data will be sent to your Google Analytics account via the tag. From your workspace, navigate to ‘tag type: universal analytics’. Choose the event track. You’ve now got a variety of different categories you can set up depending on your preferences to create a custom tag. You can either keep it fairly simple, or tailor a variety of categories to create a more complicated system. The options that come ready-made make it much easier for you to quickly configure settings to get the ideal response. In the space for choosing your preferred action, you’re going to want to select the ‘page URL’ option. Now open your Google Analytics and choose the variable you’ve created. You can put together a new trigger by selecting the + icon, choosing trigger configuration, and choosing the built-in trigger type. This will activate whenever a form is submitted on your site, letting you easily keep track of traffic. It’s also activated any time someone uses a built-in search box on your page.

Double-Check Your Tags

The next thing you should do is double check all your tags are correctly configured and working properly. Activate the preview mode on GTM, which will put you into a debugging mode that will let you keep track of any problems. Now, when you go to your homepage, you’ll be able to keep track of tags through the preview box. Your universal analytics GTM tag should automatically trigger on all the pages you navigate to. Head to a part of your site that has a contact form, and enter some data to check if your form submission tag is triggered. If you need to make any changes to your configuration, make sure that you hit the publish option before finishing with your checks. 

Using the Data

Now that you have your triggers set up, you need to make use of them in Google Analytics. In your account, go to admin, then goals, then select ‘new goal’. Enter the category you specified before when you were creating your earlier tag. You can enter a specific page URL if you want to track traffic on that one page. Use the test form submission again, and you’ll be able to check everything’s working via Google Analytics. Now that you’ve got everything set up, you can start gathering data on site traffic and making use of it. For instance, if you’ve got a special offer you’re promoting on social media, you can use GTM to find out if your campaign is successful, and you’re pulling in more traffic. You can also use GTM to find out which products or services you advertise are getting the most attention. These details are crucial if you want to boost your conversion rate effectively.


That’s all there is to know about using GTM. It may seem complicated, but in reality, it’s pretty straightforward once you start using it. And once you’re familiar with the tool, you’ll have no problems adjusting it depending on your needs without the need for a tag assistant. GTM benefits from great versatility, letting you track a range of different pages and even form submissions. Once the data is collected by Google Analytics, it’s up to you how you use it. The information is of great benefit to your web designer, as it shows them which pages people are clicking on and which they are ignoring. It’s also crucial information in terms of marketing. By learning how people are interacting with your pages, you can learn how to push new promotions and bring in more and more business. All in all, the combination of GTM and Google Analytics is enough to boost your conversion rate.


Author’s bio:

Arthur is a digital marketing specialist and business blogger. He develops interesting startups through various social media and shares his experience with clients to better promote their business. In his spare time, Arthur studies Japanese and writes articles on digital transformation trends.

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