An Ultimate Guide to Write Social Media Copy That Converts

Social media as a marketing tool has been on the rise for the last couple of years. There is no serious brand or business that doesn’t have profiles and pages on different social media. With more than 3 billion social media users worldwide, it’s no wonder marketers and business owners invest in their social media strategy. But, to be successful in social media, you need to know how to write great social media copies.

To help you learn how to write a social media copy that converts, we’ve put together this ultimate guide. Keep reading to learn about the 7 crucial steps in the process of writing killer social media copies.

Let’s take a closer look.

1. Set an Objective

Every social media copy needs to have a clearly defined objective. What is it that you want to achieve with this copy?

There could be dozens of choices:

  • sell a product
  • offer services
  • get people to sign up for an event
  • share interesting information
  • entertain

Make sure you have a clear goal before you start writing the copy. This will ensure you hit the bull’s eye and successfully get the desired message across.

2. Adjust Your Language

People on social media don’t like to have services and products offered every second. They especially don’t like it if you do it in an overly “marketing” way.

This is why, to make sure your copy converts, you have to adjust your language:

  • use the language of your target audience
  • speak in an everyday, laid-back manner
  • make it sound like a friendly advice
  • omit technical and scholarly phrases

The more friendly you sound, the better your copy will convert. So, try not to sound like a TV commercial.

3. Grab Their Attention

Your typical target audience member is scrolling down their news feed looking at dozens of different posts and reading post descriptions.

Why would they stop to check out your post?

Well, you need to give them a reason. Here’s how to grab their attention:

  • have a strong opening
  • address them directly
  • ask a question
  • address a problem/issue/dilemma they might be experiencing
  • offer something they’ll want to read about

So, make sure your copy opens strongly and gives potential customers every reason possible to stop scrolling and check out your post. Here’s a couple of great examples:

  • Hey, you! Do you have trouble falling asleep?
  • Movie lovers, gather around!
  • You like gardening? You’ll love our new at-home gardening kits!

4. Offer Value

Even if you manage to get their attention and make your copy sound all nice and friendly, they won’t bother reading the whole thing unless you provide value.

And we mean immediate value.

They need a strong reason to stop and check out what you have to say.

Therefore, make sure each social media copy offers true value to your followers:

  • industry-related news and updates
  • answers to burning questions
  • data, statistics, or numbers they care about
  • tips, tricks, steps, ways, or secrets to achieving something
  • special offers and discounts

If you provide value and offer something unique and special, your target audience members will want to read about it, and your conversion rate will jump up.

5. Think Visually

Yes, the visual aspect of your social media copy is crucial for its success and conversion rate. If your copy isn’t visually appealing, there’s no way you’ll have success with it.

This is why you have to make it visually attractive. Here’s what you need to do:

  • include images
  • create and share infographics
  • use emoji in post description
  • use brand colors and fonts
  • add your logo is possible

Make sure to nail the visual aspect of your social media copy and give it a unique branding mark to make sure people recognize it’s yours.

6. Direct Your Followers

Now that you’ve got their attention and they’re looking at your social media copy, it’s time to give them that little push in the right direction. Your social media post needs to tell them what to do next.

This step is closely tied to the first step of setting your goals.

You need to point them to the desired action, so as to accomplish the goals you’ve set. The best way to do this is by inserting a strong CTA:

  • Head to our website and pre-order your copy now!
  • Tune in tonight for our new episode with John White!
  • Share your ideas in the comments below!
  • Visit our online store to find your perfect fit.

Tell them what to do, and make it easy for them to do it. Leave a clickable link or clear directions on how to do it.

7. Proofread to Perfection

Finally, there’s no way your social media copy will convert if you don’t proofread it to perfection. A spelling mistake could ruin your credibility and seriously damage your conversion rate.

Make sure to:

  • double-check your content before publishing
  • proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • remove typos

In case you need some help with editing, and proofreading your social media copies, check out these professional academic writing services that could give you a hand.

Final Thoughts

A social media copy will convert only if you invest some serious effort into making it memorable, unique, and outstanding. Without your effort, and a good writing strategy, you can’t expect any positive results.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to create your ultimate writing strategy for social media copies. Apply them on each new social media post to get the maximum out of every copy.

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