Fastest WordPress blog hosting on Kinsta With the Speed Of Google

Kinsta WordPress Hosting

I have already reviewed a lot of WordPress hosting providers. But this time I am going to introduce you to one of the fastest WordPress blog hosting provider that is specially made to give power to WordPress based sites.

Speed is now an important ranking factor of Google algorithm for any kind of websites. So of course, you should take some steps to make your site faster.

Server quality plays an important role in website speed. So if you running your WordPress blog on a server, did you ever think about your site speed?

I always suggest not to buy any cheap hosting providers if you are really taking blogging seriously. So you must avoid those types of cheaper hosting and you should move towards quality hosting provider with the quality of server.

Whether you are going to start a new blog with WordPress or already have a blog which you may want to migrate to a new server that gives fastest page loading speed, then here I am going to suggest you Kinsta managed WordPress hosting.

Fastest WordPress blog hosting on Google cloud server of Kinsta

Kinsta is a managed WordPress hosting provider that provides hosting solution for high-speed WordPress blog. It is also capable and can handle the huge amount of traffic.

This company is one of the best WordPress hosting solution having 10 years of experience in WordPress. They still maintain their quality.

There are popular blogs running on WordPress getting millions of visitors each month also host on one of the fastest WordPress blog hosting solution Kinsta.

Below are given some of the great features of a blog that is running on Kinsta:

Also, read:


Speed and performance

I have already told you that speed is one of the important ranking factors of Google algorithm to rank a site. That means it will be a valuable decision if you start your blog on Kinsta.

On kinsta, your WordPress blog not only have the fastest speed but also it will have the great uptime and performance. You can see your site just loading with the lightning fast speed.


Google Cloud Platform

Kinsta managed WordPress hosting run your blog on Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform has 17 global data centers.

The premium tier network interconnected and designed to minimize the distance and hops. As a result, your site will get fast and secure transport of your data.


Free site migration

Kinsta expert migration team can move your existing site to their fastest WordPress blog hosting platform without any downtime. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Just sit back, and their team will take care of everything on your site for you. They assign a temporary domain on your migrated site and you can check everything before your site goes live.


Latest technology

On Kinsta, either it is hardware or software, they always provide the latest technology for your site.

They use state-of-the-art technology like Nginx, LXD, PHP7 software containers, and MariaDB. With this, it will make sure that your WP site loads in the blink of an eye. it featuring complete resource isolation, automatic scalability, and high availability.



Security is so important for any kind of website. Kinsta also takes care of your site security with its advanced technology.

Active and passive measures of Kinsta is to stop attacks and malicious intent in its tracks.

The continuous monitoring of your site for uptime, DDoS attack detection, software-based restrictions, SSL support, and hardware firewalls keep your site secure.

Their infrastructure continuously monitors for suspicious activity.



On Kinsta, they keep backups of your site at least every day. If you face any situation of data loss, then you can reinstall your site from backups just by one click on a button. It decreases a lot of your headache.

Kinsta provides the two types of environment for backup. One is life and the other one is stagging which makes it so valuable.



Your site will run on the Google Cloud Platform. So the power will always be there.

Whenever you need more resources due to the traffic increase and increase load on site, you can easily scale up your site.

Just like the same process, you can also scale down.


And much more you will get from Kinsta. I have just discussed the main features of their hosting platform.

From the list of features I have discussed above, you may realize why is it valuable to choose kinsta to run your WordPress blog.

According to many bloggers, Kinsta is the fastest WordPress blog hosting solution where your blog load just in the time of your blink of an eye.

So are you thinking to start your blog on one of the fastest WordPress blog hosting solution? Let’s start with Kinsta managed WordPress hosting today.

One response to “Fastest WordPress blog hosting on Kinsta With the Speed Of Google”

  1. Naman Modi says:

    What differentiates Kinsta WordPress hosting from other hosting is the power it gives users to access large hosting platforms with simplicity. It is highly optimized and can handle any traffic you give it. Kinsta has a solid security and everything is backed up.

    One setback I noticed is that their rather basic staging environment. You can’t move just one aspect of your website; whether it’s a file or a database. You have to entirely move everything but I believe that it’s a small issue that developers are looking into. I believe the review has given you enough insight about Kinsta WordPress hosting but to fully satisfy your curiosity, you can try it and get the first-hand experience.

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