My current sources of earnings from blogging
Now it is not a secret anymore that blogging can be a full-time earnings source. There are lots of bloggers who left their current day job and make blogging as their full-time income source.
A blogger may have multiple sources of income. There are many options available for a blogger to make money from blogging. Using an ad network, affiliate program, sponsorship, selling own products are the most popular methods of earning from a blog.
Well, blogging is also my full time earning source. From the title, you must be understood that in this article I am going to tell you what are my the current earning sources that I earn from my blog.
I know, you may very excited to know about the sources of the money I earn from my blog.
Yes, we bloggers always excited to know from where other bloggers earning. Even I often spend time to check out other bloggers and try to know their earning sources.
Sources of earnings I make from my blog
Here I am going to list the sources one by one. Not only you see the sources, but I will also give you an approximate amount that I earn from each source of my income.
Also, please keep in mind, the list contains the earnings for two blogs I earn. One blog is the one where you are reading this article, and the other one is a programming blog tutorial that is running by me and my brother. The majority of the money I earn from the programming blog.
So let’s go to the main point without wasting any time and see below are my sources of income:
Ad network
The ad network is the main source of my income. The majority of the money I earn is using an ad network on our programming blog. There we are using the Valueimpression ad network. This is a premium add network that pays several times more than AdSense.
Using an ad network is the easiest way to earn. All you need is just put the code provided by the ad network and you start making money for each visitor comes to your blog. You can then only focus on creating great content, apply strategies to drive traffic.
Previously we were using AdSense on our programming blog. But from the day when we left AdSense and start using Valueimpression, we see our revenue increase by 5 times more than AdSense.
Currently, we are making almost $1500 from this ad network.
Although I am using AdSense in this blog where you are right now, the earning from it is negligible. So please ignore it. I am also not going to include AdSense as the source of my earnings.
Affiliate program
Like many other bloggers, the affiliate program is another source of my earnings from blogging. Although, for many bloggers, this is the main source of revenue, but not in my case. I have already mentioned that using an ad network is my main source of revenue.
The blog where you are reading this article is generating revenue mainly from affiliate programs.
The main affiliate products and services I am promoting are managed WordPress hosting, WordPress plugins, premium ad networks like Valueimpression and Ezoic, WordPress themes, Blogging tools etc.
Well, the revenue I make from affiliates is very low.
If you want to know about the amount then I want to let you know that the earning behave like too much up and downs each month. In some months it can be only $50 and in other months it can be $200.
Selling my own products
Well along with a blogger, I am also a web developer and WordPress developer. I develop WordPress plugins and PHP scripts which I sell on my own blog. I came to know many other bloggers who are also selling their own products.
Well, through my blog, I am not selling any physical goods. All the products I sell are digital downloadable products.
Some of my products are on CodeCanyon and most of the products are on my own blog. Previously I was earning almost $200 per month. But later I stop selling lots of my products on CodeCanyon and only a few are remains there. For this reason, my revenue decreases from my own products and now I hardly earn $100 a month by selling my own product.
Sponsored post
A sponsored post is another way of making money. Many bloggers making huge revenue by accepting sponsored posts.
But in my case, I don’t get sponsored posts every month. It is very rare for me to get sponsored posts. I hardly a sponsored post in a month. But most of the month I don’t get any sponsored posts.
Well, I don’t accept any sponsored post on my programming blog which is the main source of my income. But in this blog where you are reading this post, I have accepted a few sponsored articles. I get almost $50 for each sponsored post on this blog.
So that’s it. These are my current earning sources that I make from my blog.
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