How To Improve Or Increase Domain Authority Of Your Site?

Increase Domain Authority

There are lots of factors that Google uses as the ranking factor of a website on their search engine algorithm. But domain authority is one of the most important factors to be count as ranking factor on Google search engine. If you don’t know about domain authority then I suggest you read this post – What Is Domain Authority And Why You Need To Improve It?

In few words domain, authority is a metric developed by Moz which indicate how well the contents of that website will appear on search engines. The higher your domain authority is, the more likely you are to earn a higher search engine ranking and to receive more and better web traffic.

Domain Authority and Page Authority checker by EyeSwift

So you have understand that improving domain authority is important as your website get more search traffic for a higher domain authority value. So in this blog post I am going to tell you how to increase domain authority of your website.

So how to increase domain authority of your site?

To increase domain authority of your site you can take some important steps. There are more than 40 factors that are taking in count for domain authority. But in this post I am going to list the major steps that you can take to increase domain authority of your website. Here the list:

Choose a better domain

If you are going to start a new site than it is better to think about the domain authority from starting. At the time of choosing domain name for your website you can choose a domain name which will be relevant to your website. Choose a domain name which will be also easy to remember for visitors of your website so that it can turn the visitors back to your website. So take a time before starting website to think deeply about choosing a domain name.

Improve Internal linking structure of your website

Internal links on your site will help you to direct visitors of your site to what they are trying to find, thereby it will improve the user experience. Add the link of your new post also inside the old blog post. You can also add internal links as related post. It is better to add the internal links inside the paragraph text.

Get link to your website from other quality sites

Getting link of your site from other site can improve the domain authority of your site. but keep in mind that if the sites contain your link does not fulfill the minimum requirement of quality then it can harm your site. You tell Google to disavow those external sites which you think as bad link. Thus Google will not count those link.

Domain Authority and Page Authority checker by EyeSwift

Increase your overall SEO

Increase the overall SEO of your site. Domain authority is also depended on the overall SEO of your site. So setup all the SEO tag like title tag and description tag on your site. Keep the permalinks of your site sort and relevant to your site. Here is the help for SEO friendly permalink structure – SEO Friendly URL – The Right Permalink Structure. SEO matters for both Google search engine ranking as well as your domain authority.

Remove bad or toxic links

Though getting link from other sites to your website is good for improving domain authority, but it can also harm you if that links are not from quality sites and if that sites are spam related. You have to remove those bad or toxic backlinks from Google Disavow Links by submitting the domains and links as a text file.

3 Major Reasons Of Decreasing Domain Authority Of Your Site

Make your site an Authorize site within your niche

This can only be done by providing great content within the niche and by giving responses to the visitors that are engaging on your site.

By boosting the reputation of your site as an authority, you will increase the strength of identity of your brand, which will not only help increase traffic from search engines, but also it will increase the number of external links you earn from other high-quality authorize sources of sites. Thus you can increase domain authority of your site.

Make your site faster

A faster site is more user friendly and Google also added the loading speed of a site to their ranking algorithm. So faster speed of website also increase the SEO of your site. You can use PageSpeed Insights developed by Google to check your site. You will not only get the pagespeed, but the most important is that you will get the suggestions to improve your site from Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

Promote your content on social media

You can share the contents of your site or blog on social media. Social signals from social media like Facebook and Twitter are a big ranking factor. It is better to obtain that ranking signals for your website or blogging site to improve domain authority of your site.

Domain Authority and Page Authority checker by EyeSwift

Offer easy to browse sitemap

Not only sitemaps improve user experience, it also helps search engines to spiders with deep crawling of your site. Sitemaps make it easy for the search engines to crawl a website. Google highly recommend to use sitemap on your site so that Google can easily index your site pages.

Keep latest posts widget

Keep a latest post widget on your blog website help you to make your site more dynamic. Google loves constantly updated pages on sites. Thus Google bot also understand how often the site should be crawl. Including a dynamic content type of section in your sidebar or footer can actually improve the crawling speed. The crawling frequency will be higher for your website and even the most unlinked pages on your site gets indexed in Google.


So you have seen several steps that you can take to increase the domain authority of your site. Domain authority is important for a lots of reasons. It indicates the overall performance of your website and also lets you compare your website score to that of competing websites to see where your site currently stand.

4 responses to “How To Improve Or Increase Domain Authority Of Your Site?”

  1. Suleman says:

    I am new to your site and I found it very helpful. My website domain authority is going down but I don’t know the reason.

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      Check all the on-site SEO properly if it is okay or not and continue creating great content and post regularly.

  2. Dinesh kumar says:

    Thanks sir for these suggestions. Though I am new to blogging yet I have stamina booster articles posted by great people like you. Now I will do my work with more enthusiasm. Greetings.

  3. isabella says:

    As per your above mentioned statement that “There are more than 40 factors that are taking in count for domain authority. ” Would you like to share these factors in some detail with us. I am also new in digital marketing and want like to learn quality stuff regarding domain authority improvement.

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