Create Theme Options Panel For WordPress Theme With This Framework
Whenever someone want to download a WordPress theme for a WordPress site then in most of the time first come in his/her mind is that is there a theme options panel available for that WordPress theme or is the theme contains enough options in options panel or not.
So it is really important for a WordPress theme developer or designer to create the options panel for the theme that the developer creating. But how to do that? For most of the theme developers and for all the newbies theme designers want to create theme options panel for WordPress theme is full of complicated and hassle.
But don’t worry. It is now easy to create the theme options panel for your WordPress theme. There is an easy to use options framework for WordPress theme that is available. Using this framework you can easily build the theme options panel so that you can fully concentrate in your design.
About Options Framework Theme
Options Framework Theme is a framework for creating the WordPress theme options panel easily with very less coding. It can save your time and you can fully concentrate in your design.
The Options Framework makes it easy to include an options panel in any WordPress theme. This framework was built so that developers can concentrate on making the actual theme design rather than spending lots of time creating an options panel from scratch.
Time is crucial and this framework save a huge amount of time for you. So personally I have a great respect to the developers who has build this nice and helpful framework for creating the options panel in WordPress theme.
How to use this framework for creating the theme options panel?
To create the options panel for WordPress theme with Options Framework you just need to copy the copy the folder into your theme. You can see a PHP file “options.php” which is a blueprint for how to work with this options framework. It includes an example of every option available in the panel and sample output in the theme. You can see the samples and the options.php file so that you can understand how to use this framework for creating the theme options panel for WordPress theme.
I am also using this framework and in my case I remove those which I don’t need from options.php file and edit the rest of the codes like changing name, description and id. It really save my time.
What types of options available in this framework?
A variety types of options available to create inside the options panel. The following types of options available inside this framework:
- text
- textarea
- checkbox
- select
- radio
- upload (an image uploader)
- images (use images instead of radio buttons)
- background (a set of options to define a background)
- multicheck
- color (a jquery color picker)
- typography (a set of options to define typography)
- editor
With these options you can almost create all types of options for your theme in very less time. For example you can show some text that can be provide from input text of options panel, you can add the logo upload option, uploading header image and can change some images that will be displayed on site.
Also you can add the options to change color of different part of theme, display posts from a particular category, display text created from text editor, allow theme users to choose the layout of WordPress site and lots of more which is really so great. For these reasons every theme developers should use this framework.
And one thing is that it is available free of cost on GitHub. I always use that framework to create the theme options panel whenever I get order from clients for developing a theme. After I get to know this framework I never use any other way to create options panel for WordPress theme because this framework gives me all I need to fulfill clients requirements.
Thank you for this guide i will try this framework
You are most welcome 🙂