How To Get Blog Post On First Page of Google Search Results?
Every bloggers want their blog post on first page of Google search results and I think you are also among them. But have you any idea what you need to do to get your blog post on the very first page of Google results?
Here in this post I am going to discuss in details what steps you have to do to take your article on first page of Google. Well you need to do a little bit hard work to get your blog article on that position. It is not a easy task, but also not impossible. Your blog post also can be found within top 10 search results from Google.
There are many things that you need to do to get your blog post on first page of Google search results. You also need to be so careful and sincere.
Steps to take your blog article on first page of Google search results
Now here I am going to tell you the most important steps that you need to do to take your blog article on first page or within the top 10 results of Google search:
Write quality, valuable and useful contents in post
The post that you want to get on the first page of Google search result should be contain with useful and quality and valuable contents that is helpful for your readers. Here quality content means to several factors such as – Your post should have a minimum length (More than 700 words recommended), really useful and helpful for your readers, well structured and so on.
Do keyword research
Do keyword research and use it in your post with proper and with natural way so that it would not looks like keyword spamming to search engines. I strongly suggest you to use Google AdWords keyword planner to find some popular keywords on Google search engine. Select some keywords for which you want to get your blog post on first page of Google search results and do keyword research on it and use it on your blog post properly with natural way so that your post looks natural. Remember, if you found in keyword spamming then it would be really bad for your site and it can effect in your overall site SEO. Here in this post I have discuss in details about proper keyword of a blog post – What should be the Keyword Density of your blog post for SEO? I think this post will be helpful for you.
Make all the blog posts great quality and valuable
Not only that particular post, but also you should write all the posts of your blog with great quality that is useful, sufficient contents and helpful for readers. Google always show on first page of search results from those sites where all the contents are useful and with sufficient content. If most of the blog posts of your site has so poor in quality and only few post are with great quality than you can also see that those quality posts from your site not showing on first page of Google search results. You can even see irrelevant contents are on first page on search results. This is because of those poor quality type of posts of your blog which decreases search ranking of your whole blog site. Even few number of blog posts with poor quality can effect the overall site ranking and the post of your blog can not come on first page even if it is a well structured and quality type. So it is important to make all the blog post of your site with quality writing. Modify those post which are not getting enough search traffic to rank better on search engines.
Write original content
This is one of the most important factors. You should always write original content. In this case also not only the particular post that you want it on first page of Google search results, but you need to make all the post of your blog completely original and write what is in your mind. Never copy from any other website. Search engine is so smart that it can understand if you have copied from anywhere or not.
Avoid duplicate content
Duplicate content is so harmful for a blogging site. You can use 301 redirect, URL canonicalization to prevent duplicate content. I recommend you to use noindex, follow meta robots tag for tag, category and author pages.To know about noindex, follow meta robots tag read this post – Meta robots or robots.txt to noindex blog category and tag. I have discuss in details about preventing your blog from duplicate content it in this post – 3 best ways to prevent duplicate content from blog for SEO.
In the end I want to say you that you obviously have to make your overall blog better and SEO should configured properly on the site. So you must have to learn about SEO or you can hire SEO expert. I recommend you to learn from our SEO posts. If you don’t have any SEO knowledge then it is good to learn about SEO. Remember, your overall blog quality will help you most to get a particular blog post on first page of Google search results or within the top 10 results on Google. And obviously, that particular post also should be valuable.
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