How to target a specific country for your blog or website?
In many cases it good idea to target a particular country geographically for your blog or website. If the content of your blogging site is useful for a specific country then it is better to target that country for your blog. Sometimes you can provide service on your site that is available only for a particular country. In this situation your sale will be more if more peoples come to your website from that country instead of coming from any other part around the world. You will not able to make so much profit from the peoples come from other countries as they can not make any sale.
Suppose an eCommerce site can sell their products only in a particular country. So it is more important to get more visitors from that country only because traffic from this country can boost sale of that eCommerce site. In this case geographically targeting that country will really helps to make more profits.
In this post I am going to tell you about several ways of targeting a specific country for a site or blog and also will discuss each in details. After reading this article you will see that it is really so easy to geographically target a specific country for a site.
Different ways of Geo targeting a site or blog for specific country
Here are different ways for your website to Geo targeting a particular country so that you will get more search traffic from that country:
Choose a country specific domain
If you are just thinking to start a blog and want it to be targeted for a particular country then it is good to do something from starting. One thing you can do in very first is to choose a country specific domain for your website. For example, if you want to target Indian peoples then you should choose .in domain, for UK it is better to choose .uk domain, for USA .us and so on. It is surely a good idea to think about targeting country before you start and choosing country specific domain. Google search engine gives more priority to country specific domain and more likely to show content from that site for that country.
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Target country from google webmaster tool
You can easily target country from your Google webmaster tool. To do it you need to verify your site on Google webmaster tool. There you need to go to Search Traffic>>International Targeting and you will find the country targeting option.
After selecting specific country for your blog Google will slightly increase the priority of your site for that particular country on search engine. Your site will gain a higher chance to appear in first page of Google search results for that country you are targeting from Google webmaster tool.
Country specific site content
Website or blog content plays an important role for targeting a specific country for that site. If your blog has too many content that are useful and related to a specific country then your blog will starts getting more search traffic from that particular country. So you can increase the number of blog post that are also country specific. You can use Google Trends to find in which country selected keywords search most on Google. Here on EyeSwift you can find some blog post that are country specific. For example –
Indian Payment Gateway For Websites And Blogs – Instamojo
Open A Bank Account In The USA From India With Stripe Atlas
4 great Indian payment gateway companies to accept online payment.
These articles are surely can drive more traffic from India as most searches will be made from this particular country for these blog posts as these are mostly useful contents for Indian peoples. You can also make some content on your site that are useful and related to the peoples from a specific country.
Choosing server location for your site
You can choose server location from that country where you want to target your blog or website. Server location also plays a significant role for targeting a specific country for a website. If your target country is US then you should host your site on US based server. If your targeting country is India then choose Indian server for your site.
Use Google Trends
I have just suggest you to use Google Trends for targeting country for your site. Google Trends is a tool by Google which can show you the location where most peoples search for a specific keyword. For example, in the below picture you can see interest by location for the search term “flipkart”.
As Flipkart is an Indian base eCommerce company, so most of the searches occurs from India. You can also use some keywords that use most to search on Google from a particular country. You can also use Google Trends to find perfect keywords to target a particular country for your site.
These are some of the great way for your blog to target a specific country. In the end I also would like to know if you follow any other method for your blog or site to target a particular country to get more traffic from that country.
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