How to send SMS from your Easy Digital Downloads Store?
Easy Digital Downloads is an awesome WordPress plugin to sell your digital downloadable files. Either it is an audio, picture, video, eBook or software, you can easily sell it through EDD plugin.
Now, I am going to introduce you to an awesome extension for Easy Digital Downloads plugin that can send SMS from your EDD store. The plugin will able to send SMS both the buyers and admin or site owner or you.
The plugin is EDD Purchase Complete SMS Alert Plugin. This plugin uses Twilio SMS API to send SMS from Easy Digital Downloads store. Twilio is a popular and trusted SMS API provider that is able to send SMS in several countries.
Features of the Easy Digital Downloads Purchase Complete SMS Alert Plugin
Below are listed the features of this plugin:
- Send SMS to buyers when they complete a purchase.
- Send SMS to the site owner or admin.
- You can enable or disable SMS sending feature for admin or for buyers or for both.
- This plugin will add a phone number field on the checkout field.
- You can customize the SMS text, put p[ayment ID, total purchased price, currency, site name to anywhere in the SMS text.
How to get this plugin?
The plugin is a premium plugin. To get this EDDSMS sending plugin, you have to pay. The plugin is available to buy on this product page.
After you visit this product page you have to click on the “Buy Now” button. Clicking the button will send you to the checkout page. On the checkout page, you can pay with PayPal or Paytm. If you are from India, then you have to use Paytm payment gateway to pay for the plugin.
After the successful payment from the checkout page, you will be sent to a page where you can download the plugin.
How EDD Purchase Complete SMS Alert Plugin can help you?
Sending SMS from any store especially after making an online payment can play a great role to improve user experience and user trust. Thus your buyer will believe and trust in your store in the future and also they may buy an item in the future.
Also, if a buyer already buy and got an SMS from your store, and in near future, the buyer sees the same product on both of your store and another store, then he/she would prefer to buy it from your store. This is because by sending an SMS you have to gain trust.
Download EDD Purchase Complete SMS Alert Plugin
How to install and configure this plugin?
Installing and activating this EDD SMS plugin is easy. All you need to just extract the purchased zipped item. Inside it, you will find the plugin zip file that you have to upload and install on your WordPress site.
After installing and activating it, all you need is just to go in the plugin’s options page and put the Twilio account SID, Twilio auth token, sender phone number that you will get from Twilio.
The admin phone number field is for receiving SMS notification when a sale made on the store. By default, there will be SMS text already set. You can modify the SMS text. You have to enable SMS for admin/buyer.
If everything’s goes right, you will see your EDD store is able to send SMS to buyers as well as you will get SMS notifications if you enable SMS for both buyers and admin.
I hope, this article helps you and also will help you to take the decision if you should buy this EDD extension or not.
Also, read:
- Send SMS to Customers with WooCommerce Twilio SMS Notification Plugin
- Textlocal India WooCommerce SMS Notifications Plugin
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