My Earnings Report From Blog Using Valueimpression

Valueimpression Earnings

Valueimpression is one of the great advertising technology for publishers with a minimum of 100000 monthly page views. So if you have more than 100000 page views each month, then you can contact the Valueimpression team.

Well, I was using AdSense for almost one year on my programming blog CodeSpeedy. I was not aware of the fact that there is something others than AdSense also exist. But suddenly I found a tutorial website showing Ads on their website and there is an icon of Valueimpression. I just search for it and then think to give it a try.

Well, it becomes only a few months that I am using Valueimpression to monetize my blog. Now I am going to share my earning report from my blog with the Valueimpression network. So stay here and continue reading to see how much money do I earn from Valueimpression…

Also, read:

Valueimpression income report for my programming blog

Well, Valueimpression needs some time to analyze and then optimize the earning. So it takes about 15 to 30 days to increase the revenue.

After I decided to give a try for Valueimpression for my programming blog known as CodeSpeedy, I removed all of the AdSense ads and replace it with Valueimpression technology. At that time, I was getting around 3000 to 3500 page views each day.

On the very first day, my earning from Valueimpression was $7.97. This is a slight increase in revenue than my one day of AdSense income. But wait for a minute. I have just told you that Valueimpression needs some days to optimize and increase revenue.

  • If you are getting more than 10000 visits per month, you can use Ezoic that pay several times more than AdSense

So, I saw my earnings were increasing day by day and I was completely surprised after I see my earning cross $30 in a day and once I found in some days my earning was even crossing $40. It was huge for me. In some of the days, I was earning around 4 to 6 times more than AdSense.

Earnings for the first month of using Valueimpression

Well, in the month of October 2019 the daily income never reached $30. This is because, in that month, I just placed Valueimpression ads newly and almost the whole month was taken to optimize and increase the revenue.

The total earnings in the first month of using Valueimpression were $452.89. But if I use AdSense for that month, then the chances are that I would able to make between $150 to $180. So it was almost 3 times more than AdSense income in October.

Also read: My earning report from my blog using Pixfuture

$938.71 in November with 120000 pageviews

After Valueimpression completes the optimization process just spike to a new level. The average per day income in November was $30. Thus, at the end of this month, I earned $938.71.

Well, in November my total income was $452.89. But the income becomes double in the next month or in November. But the increase in the traffic was slight. So how was this possible?

Well, you may think it was strange. But wait a minute…

I just told above that Valueimpression takes some time to optimize and increase the revenue. So in October, the optimization process was not completed. But in November, Valueimpression optimizes it amazingly and thus my income was also doubled and reach $938 at the end of the month.

Well, I am quite sure, if I used AdSense in November, then my earning would never cross $300.

Well, in December it was the Christmas month. So both the blog traffic as well as the income decreases. The total money I earned in December from my blog was $780.01. This was too good for me compared with the month of the festival and the upcoming new year.


January 2020 Valueimpression earnings

Well, at the time of writing this article it is still running January month of the year 2020. But I can clearly see a decrease in my Valueimpression income due to the beginning of a new year effect. But still, my daily income is quiet Good than AdSense.

The earning was $642 in this month.

Also, read: Best 4 Alternatives to Earn More than AdSense


All-time income with Valueimpression

Instead of saying about the earning of each month, see the image below where you can see my all-time income:

Valueimpression earnings


As you can see, the highest income came from Valueimpression was $1398 which was in the month of July. I will update it after I see the income of a few more months.

Well in August you can see the earning decreases to $967.12. This is because I changed the ad positions and remove an ad size and place another one which was different in size.

After making these changes it took some time again to optimize the earning. Every time I make some changes and work with the Valueimpression ad unit, the revenue decreases. But later, you can again see the increase in revenue.


So you can clearly see a huge increase in my blogging income after I start using Valueimpression.

Well, if you also want to use Valueimpression to monetize your blog, then, first of all, you need a minimum of 100000 page views per month. If you are not qualified for that amount of traffic, then wait until you reach that traffic.

I hope, you have got some idea and learn how good is Valueimpression for a blog website and how much I earn with this great ad manager.

23 responses to “My Earnings Report From Blog Using Valueimpression”

  1. Abu Hossam says:

    I also signed for valueimpression but concerned how profession thier website looks. They have around one page website, no detailed FAQ section or any help materials.
    However, reading your review making it helpful. The income reports are really great for you. How much traffic in percentage from USA for your website?
    Secondly, are you using floating ads (just like the tutorial site you mentioned 😉 ??) TP, right?

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      I also thought about their website. But I found websites with millions of traffic using Valueimpression. Also, about 20% of traffic is coming from USA to my website.

  2. Ravi Chandra Verma says:

    I have been Verified by VLI & its going around 15 days but fillrate is very low i am getting 20k impression per day from adsense but from VLI its nearly around 2k impression Only.

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      Well, it needs some time for VLI to optimize the revenue. Wait for at least one month.

  3. Godwin Ozor says:

    I registered to Valueimpression ad network, they approved my website, but I didn’t find any option to place the ad code on my website.

  4. Vinit says:

    How many days does it take for website to get approved in valueimpression?

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      It took only a few days to approved by Valueimpression. In my case, they approved us in just one day. But it may take a maximum of 3 days also I think.

  5. Akio says:

    Is ValueImpression still performing well for you? I am experiencing low fill rate and $0.15 CPM for banner ads.

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      Well did you change the position of the Valueimpression ad tag? Sometimes changing positions too often may cause low CPM and fill rate. But I never see my CPM as low like this. My lowest CPM was 0.27

  6. Jiya Khan says:

    Your all time income image is not working,could u pls fix it. What is average cpm one can accept or you getting ?
    Plz also tell me did you use vid ads too? Ty so much

    • Saruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      We have fixed it, No we are not using video ads.

      • Jiya says:

        Ty for fixing it…nice earning there…is impression are actually pageviews ?…if yes, DONT u think cpm is less ?
        Sorry I am little new to all this …running a beauty blog with adsense, my adsense avg rpm is 0.60 and arnd 3000 daily u think I will make more with vp..thank u

        • Saruque Ahamed Mollick says:

          No, the impressions are not the pageviews. Impressions are the number of ads served on your website.
          It’s okay to be new in any field. I was also using AdSense a year ago. When I joined in VI for the first time, my organic traffic was 2500 per day and I was making around 750$ per month from VI. But in AdSense I was making 100$ per month at that moment. So it depends on many things like traffic locations, interests etc.

  7. isa says:

    Which ad type do you use more? Do you use an Instream video? How much are your daily hits?

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      Thank you for asking. I am using display ads. Also, I am not using instream video. But Valueimpression shows a video ad on the bottom right sometimes. Well, if I wish, I can disable the video ad. I am getting 250k monthly pageviews. My monthly revenue is between $1000 to $1500.

  8. says:

    Valueimpression party sent a message to me. They offered my blog to become a publisher in Valueimpression.

    Blog in the Indonesian language because I am Indonesian. Most of my blog visitors come from Indonesia. They like my blog.

    It turns out that Valueimpressin legit $$$

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      Yes, This is completely legit. They have many popular partners like AppNexus, Rubicon, Google Ad Manager and so on.

  9. says:

    Do you think … can I get Net0 for payment … ?? 🙂

    • Faruque Ahamed Mollick says:

      It is not possible to say it now if you will qualify or not for Net 0. But after you use Valueimpression for long days and reach near $2000 per month, you can ask them for Net 0.

  10. IT4real says:

    You said you earned 7+ dollars the first day?

    Well, I have been using them for 3-days now, and I have only earned 2 dollars per day. I left two adsense ads, and there are still performing 5X better than VI.

    This is giving me concern, since you earn $7 on the very first day, and I have not earned up to 7 after 3-days!

  11. Anand says:

    they are not approving site and also not replying on mail

  12. Raihan says:

    I added codes, ads everything but it’s been more than 5 hours my impression is 0. Does it take time?

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